Wednesday, October 8, 2008

My old wheels (actual wheels in picture)

That were supposed to go on my old car..........

Then it exploded while street drifting. haha fuk

Damn i miss this shit, rocken the street and never worrying about the PoPo
What i would give to be able to rock the street again.........

Original Video - More videos at TinyPic

Why do long entries?
Why manji?
Why chokudori?
Cuz its fun as fuck!!!


DUFFM4N said...

more angle/tire smoke is needed! i award you NO points, and may god have mercy on your soul :P LOL

philstarsays said...

dang, lets not forget, that video is of a bone stock 240sx open diff with only coilovers

Revgasm_Josh said...


preach oh phil

lets not forget, it also had a yashio factory spin turn knob =0

DUFFM4N said...

lets not forget, catch my sarcasm :P lol

Revgasm_Josh said...

haha, we caught it. dont trip

philstarsays said...

ha yeah oops, that was directed towards josh just reminding him how stock that car really was ha

DUFFM4N said...

im not tripping...i only wear velcro shoes :P

3L said...

Community drift carrrrr!!

Matej said...

Super duper sick entry.
Street style is best, and smoke is lame because then you can't see the cars haha.